A Holocaust Story of Love and Partisan Resistance
Events - 2009
Speaking Engagements with author Michael Bart
Events - 2009
Author Lecture with Michael Bart
San Diego, CA
January 06, 2009
Michael Bart discussed his parents' biography Until Our Last Breath to the Yeshiva students on the Tenth of Tevet. On this day, Kaddish, the prayer for the deceased is recited for people whose date or place of death is unknown. Many rabbis have designated this day as a day of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust.
Southern California Yeshiva High School
San Diego, CA.
Click here for Event Information
Author Lecture with Michael Bart
San Diego, CA
March 08, 2009
Michael Bart made an author presentation and signed copies of his book for the students participating in the April 2009 March of the Living journey to Poland and Israel. During a weeklong trip to Poland, teens from over 40 countries commemorate Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Remembrance Day by participating in a silent march between Auschwitz and Birkenau. Another week is spent in Israel where the teens celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut-Israel's anniversary. This memorable experience is open to juniors and seniors in high school and occurs in April/May of each year.
Agency for Jewish Education
San Diego, CA.
United Jewish Federation of San Diego County
Author Lecture & Breakfast with Michael Bart
Rancho Santa Fe, CA
March 31, 2009 at 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
The United Jewish Federation of San Diego, North Coastal Men's Event, featured Michael Bart the author of Until Our Last Breath: A Holocaust Story of Love and Partisan Resistance. Bart shared details about his parents' escape from the Vilna ghetto and their experiences living and fighting in the forest as members of the Partisans of Vilna in Abba Kovner's Avengers group.
Fairbanks Country Club
15150 San Dieguito Road
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
Click here for Event information
Book Discussion with Michael Bart
San Diego, CA
April 12, 2009
READINGS WITH THE RABBI is a popular monthly book club led by Rabbi Scott Meltzer who skillfully guides his participants through stimulating and insightful book discussions. Rabbi Meltzer selects the books and EVERY READER has opportunities to share observations and questions. Michael Bart joined the discussion to answer questions about his book Until Our Last Breath.
Ohr Shalom Synagogue
2512 Third Ave.
San Diego, CA 92103
Presented to Michael Bart for his Authorship
New York City, CA
April 16, 2009
Michael Bart's authorship of his parents' biography Until Our Last Breath was honored as one of the winners of a Christopher Award at the 60th Anniversary Diamond Awards Gala in April. This important award specifically affirms "the highest values of the human spirit." The Christophers is presented for the recognition of books, feature films, broadcast and cable TV programs and their creators. The Christopher Award is given to "remind audiences and readers of all ages and faiths, and of no particular faith, of their power to make a difference in their communities and the world-at-large." Past winners include Steven Spielberg for Schindler's List and Elie Wiesel in the Books for Adults category.
Pictured at the Christopher Awards Gala in the McGraw Hill Building, Michael Bart is with Daniela Rapp, his editor at St. Martin's Press (left). It was Daniela who worked so hard to make this book happen. Bart is holding his award winning book, Until Our Last Breath. And on the right is his wife, Bonnie.
McGraw-Hill Building
New York, N.Y. 10018
Click here for PRN Newswire
Click here for Christopher Gala Photos
Click here for the Christopher Gala Booklet
Click here for video of The Christopher Awards Gala
Holocaust Studies
In-class Lecture and Q & A with Michael Bart
Chico, CA
April 20, 2009
Students were assigned to read and write a paper on Until Our Last Breath. Michael Bart had an open dialogue with the students and answered their questions about his parents' biography.
California State University Chico
Chico, CA
Keynote Author Presentation: Michael Bart
Chico, CA
April 20, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.
Michael Bart gave a PowerPoint presentation and answered questions about his parents' biography Until Our Last Breath. Congregation Beth Israel was filled to capacity including Mayor Ann Schwab and many interfaith clergy from the Chico community.
Congregation Beth Israel Synagogue
Chico, CA
Click here for Chico Enterprise Record newspaper
The History of the Jewish People
In-class Lecture and Q & A with Michael Bart
Chico, CA
April 21, 2009
Michael Bart gave a PowerPoint presentation and answered students' questions about his parents' biography Until Our Last Breath.
California State University Chico
Chico, CA
History Department
Author Lecture by Michael Bart
San Marcos, CA
April 29, 2009
The History Department, the Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society and the History Club hosted Michael Bart, author of the award-winning memoir, Until Our Last Breath: A Holocaust Story of Love and Partisan Resistance (New York: St. Martin's Press/MacMillan, 2008), written with Laurel Corona. Until Our Last Breath is a true story of Michael Bart's parents and their experiences during the Holocaust. It focuses on their activities with the partisans of Vilna, Jews in Lithuania who fought back against the Nazis. Students, faculty, staff and community members were in attendance.
Academic Hall Auditorium
333 South Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA
Click here for Event Information
Midrash Shabbat
Lunch-and-Learn with author Michael Bart
San Diego, CA
May 09, 2009
Michael Bart, son of Tifereth Israel members Zenia Lewinson-Bart and Leizer Bart, (Of Blessed Memory), shared the fascinating story of his parents' life during WWII with the Jewish partisan group "Nekama" organized by the legendary leader Abba Kovner. Michael recently documented his parents' experiences in his book Until Our Last Breath: A Holocaust Story of Love and Partisan Resistance.
An article written by Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal in San Diego Jewish World on Friday January 23, 2009 recommends Until Our Last Breath, he states "For those of you who are interested in an excellent book about Jewish resistance during World War II, I suggest you read Until Our Last Breath by Michael Bart. Until Our Last Breath tells the story of Michael's parents, Leo and Zenia Bart, z"l, who were members of Tifereth Israel Synagogue and members of Abba Kovner's resistance group Nekama during the war." Rabbi Rosenthal is spiritual leader of Tifereth Israel Synagogue in San Diego.
Tifereth Israel Synagogue
6660 Cowles Mountain Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92119
Click here for Event information
AMN Healthcare Building & Auditorium
San Diego, CA
May 16, 2009
San Diego, May 16--SignOnSanDiego. At the 15th annual San Diego Book Awards ceremony and banquet, Michael Bart was presented with a certificate and trophy in the BEST BIOGRAPHY category for his authorship of his parents' story Until Our Last Breath: A Holocaust Story of Love & Partisan Resistance. The San Diego Union-Tribune's Books Editor Robert L. Pincus states the biography "conveys the story of Bart's parents, the destruction of the Jewish ghetto in Vilna during World War II and the wider tale of resistance and survival."
12400 High Bluff Drive
San Diego, CA 92130
Click here for the BEST BIOGRAPHY AWARD certificate
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